
What are the Harms of Soybean Oil? How to Obtain Soybean Oil?

Although soybean oil or soybean oil is not in our country, it is still the most consumed vegetable oil in various parts of the world, especially in the United States.

Consumption rates of this vegetable oil, which is obtained from soybean, are gradually increasing in our country.

The reason why the oil obtained from soybean is so preferred in the world is the price that seems reasonable compared to other oils. Soybean oil is much cheaper than its alternatives.

Soybean oil is produced in large batches by mass production. Boutique production is often out of the question.

How is Soybean Oil Obtained?

Soybean oil is prepared by the process steps of removing the hull and crushing the soybean and separating the oil from the rest of the bean.

The oil is then distilled and refined to remove contaminants that can affect the oil’s flavor, smell and color .

The resulting oil ideally consists of five fatty acids:

10% palmitic acid,

4% stearic acid,

18% oleic acid,

55% linoleic acid

and 18% linolenic acid

However, a standard soybean oil on the grocery store shelves often does not have these ratios. Linoleic acid content is much higher. It is usually 54%.   This means more omega-6 fatty acid content than we want to get into our bodies!

Where Is Soybean Oil Used? Usage areas

Most soybean oil  is extensively refined, blended and hydrogenated.

This oil is widely used in margarine and other fats, mayonnaise, high-carb snacks, ready-made salad dressings, and frozen foods .

What are the Harms of Soybean Oil?

Recent research shows that soybean oil consumption not only causes obesity and diabetes, but can also negatively affect neurological conditions such as autism, Alzheimer’s, anxiety and depression.

Soybean oil is the most consumed oil in the United States, as it is considered both inexpensive and healthy. Among all oils, the market share of this oil is more than 66%!

However, contrary to popular belief, research supports that this oil is not a healthy choice.

The high amount of linoleic acid contained in soybean oil   is oxidized when heated. Consuming this oxidized oil also increases inflammation in the blood and increases the risk of heart disease!


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